NYSUT Member Benefits Trust was established in 1983 as a not-for-profit trust distinct from the union (NYSUT) for the purpose of endorsing and monitoring quality, competitive insurance plans and benefit programs. These programs and services are available to NYSUT members and agency fee payers. Some are also available to or cover spouses/domestic partners of members, dependent children, dependent parents and grandparents.
NYSUT Member Benefits Trust is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit trust fund established and maintained for the exclusive benefit of the participants and beneficiaries of Member Benefits.
In 2008, the trustees of NYSUT Member Benefits Trust established the NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation, a for-profit corporation. This separate, taxable subsidiary was created to protect the Trust's tax-exempt status. It presents the opportunity to expand the types of programs and services offered to members.
In addition to voluntary programs available for purchase or use by individual members, Member Benefits also endorses group programs available for purchase by local associations, their benefit funds and employers.